
Oxley Cemetery Burial Chronology

This is a chronology of the burials in Oxley Cemetery.

Cemetery Information

Recorded By Photographed by Holly Mathias on 2 May 2010.; additional images from the collection of Sue Gibbs
Transcribed By Michael Sheppard
Location The cemetery is located SW of Hutto.
Condition This cemetery overgrown with weeds.

Cemetery Statistics

Total Burials Recorded 12
Earliest Burial  Enoch Oxley (1872)
Most Recent Burial Recorded  Martha A. Stearnes (1919)
Average age at death 42
Age of oldest person  Martha A. Stearnes (1832-1919) age: 87

People listed in the timeline

Click on a person's death date to scroll the timeline to that person.
Adams, Charley (1890)Morris, Mary (1889)Oxley, Rachel (1899)Stearnes, [Samuel] (1904)
Adams, infant (1891)Morris, Pinkney (1879)Ray, James (1892)Stearnes, Martha (1919)
Adams, John (1891)Oxley, Enoch (1872)Ray, Pinkney (1884)Ward, C.E. (1876)


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