
Stockton Family Cemetery Burial Chronology

This is a chronology of the burials in Stockton Family Cemetery.

Cemetery Information

Recorded By recorded by Michelle Sheppard <sheppard @> on 31 Mar 2003; map and some digital images by Douglas Stockton and Viki Stockton Smith <> 10 Jun 2008
Location The cemetery is located between Schwertner and Bartlett at the corner of Stockton Road and Harold Clark Road (CR 487).

Cemetery Statistics

Total Burials Recorded 98
Earliest Burial  S. C. Stockton (1890)
Most Recent Burial Recorded  Frank T Zitzo (2009)
Average age at death 56
Age of oldest person  Leila Stockton Biggs (1891-1993) age: 102

People listed in the timeline

Click on a person's death date to scroll the timeline to that person.
Bazor, John (1997)Crothers, Warren (1953)Perry, Mary (1891)Stockton, Infant (1918)
Bennett, Lulu (1985)Ellison, Charles (2002)Perry, Mary (1984)Stockton, James (1899)
Bentley, C. (1981)Ford, Jas (1915)Perry, Milton (1959)Stockton, James (1980)
Bentley, Laura (2003)Ford, Martha (1947)Perry, Thomas (2006)Stockton, Johnny (1935)
Berry, Ardis (2002)Hardy, Billy (1981)Powitzsky, Vonelle (1986)Stockton, Katie (1992)
Biggs, Leila (1993)Hardy, Mary (1955)Stockton, A. (1935)Stockton, Lee (1995)
Bingham, Elizabeth (1995)House, Mary (1998)Stockton, Anna (1982)Stockton, Mark (2005)
Bridges, Lomelea (1958)Knight, Ada (1967)Stockton, Augusta (1929)Stockton, Mary (1916)
Bridges, S. (1980)Knight, Andy (1953)Stockton, Bessie (1919)Stockton, Mary (1919)
Calvery, Mozelle (1921)Knight, James (1962)Stockton, D. (1920)Stockton, Mattie (1981)
Connell, Bill (1926)Knight, Jim (1968)Stockton, Dee (1931)Stockton, Myrtle (1941)
Connell, Billie (1981)Knight, Joseph (1913)Stockton, Dee (1962)Stockton, Roy (1964)
Connell, Douglas (1979)Knight, Margie (2001)Stockton, Douglas (1931)Stockton, S. (1890)
Connell, Douglas (1992)Knight, Richard (1980)Stockton, Edith (1925)Stockton, Sim[eon] (1951)
Connell, E.F. (1912)Loy, Irene (1977)Stockton, Edna (1918)Stockton, W.B. (1929)
Connell, Edward (1940)Morris, Mary (1977)Stockton, Emma (1928)Stockton, Waymon (1982)
Connell, Geo. (1967)Newton, Edna (1989)Stockton, Emma (2000)Storey, Helen (2006)
Connell, Ira (1984)Perry, Augusta (1891)Stockton, Fannie (1907)Talbot, Isabel (1899)
Connell, Irene (1985)Perry, Betty (1992)Stockton, Fannie (1928)Talbot, Mary (1903)
Connell, M. (1906)Perry, Douglas (1963)Stockton, Fred (1916)White, Ead (1910)
Connell, Sophia (1944)Perry, E. (1921)Stockton, H.M. (1921)Zitzo, Frank (2009)
Crothers, Emily (1950)Perry, Guy (1939)Stockton, Haden (2003) 
Crothers, James (1899)Perry, Johnnye (1972)Stockton, Hugh (1919) 


Click and drag left/right to view more names. Click on a person's name to view marker details.


People for whom a precise death date could not be determined

Bazor, Eddie Jo Connellb. 15 Jun 1929 Marker Text: Mom Note: s/w John; marker 96 on map
Bridges, Myrtle Stocktonb. 1909 Note: s/w S. Autrey; marker 90 on map
Connell, Elizabethb. 5 Jan 1928 Note: marker 94 on map
Grantham, Infant Marker Text: Infant of Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Grantham Note: marker 68 on map
Newton, Harris Davenportb. 19 Oct 1920 Note: s/w Edna; marker 25 on map
Stockton, Claire Louiseb. 23 Aug 1925 Marker Text: Mg 15 May 1949 Note: s/w James; marker 13 on map
Stockton, Lois Marker Text: Age 2y Note: s/w Mary
Stockton, Joyce Beatyb. 19 Feb 1956 Note: marker 81 on map


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